Consulting Services:

Maureen’s work with high performing and emerging high performing advisors, as well as her own experience as an advisor, has allowed her to identify developmental opportunities within an advisor’s book. Her consulting practice is focused on Eight Critical Areas of Practice Management:

1) Infrastructure, Workflow and Operational Efficiencies
2) Infrastructure Alignment; Hiring, Firing and Sourcing Personnel
3) Client Marketing; Organic Growth, Client Service Modeling, Client Retention, Obtaining Client Referrals and Client Loyalty Building Activities
4) Investment Management, Velocity and Performance
5) Financial Planning Process and Delivery
6) Client Acquisition and Prospecting Strategies; Market Planning, Marketing Collateral, Pitch and Pipeline Management, Practice Acquisition, Event Planning
7) Financial Management; Establishment of quantitative metrics to track success
8) Leadership, Interpersonal Dynamics and Communication

Mo’s clients have achieved marked business improvements in the areas of client acquisition, client retention, marketing, increased gross revenues, organizational re-structuring, leadership, enhanced communication, customized client service modeling, systems implementation, infrastructure alignment, process re-engineering and most importantly, change management.