Keynote Speeches, Break Out Sessions and Training Workshops:

Based on Mo’s extensive work as a consultant, she has become highly recognized in the financial services industry, as a result, her public speaking sessions are highly sought after. Mo’s training approach during a Key Note session or a Break Out session always encourages and involves full audience participation and engagement - she designs her presentations so that participants can walk away with the tools necessary to implement and improve their practices.

Advisors want, need, request and select training topics that directly impact their businesses. The following is a brief outline of current training presentations Mo offers. Mo will customize her breakout and training workshops to meet the specific needs and goals of a firm’s financial advisors. These presentations complement many events including National and Regional Conferences, Full and half Day Training Workshops, OSJ Meetings/Conferences, Women’s Symposiums, Lunch & Learn events and Sales Meetings. (Additional topics are available).

“Running Your Book of Business Like A Business”

“Client Acquisition: Effective Prospecting & Growth Strategies of Top Performers in 2018”

“Delivering the Ultimate Client Experience: Organic Growth, Retention & Growth Strategies of Top Performing Advisors”

“Targeting High Net Worth Clients: Strategies and Best Practices of Top Performers to Attract, Retain and Close the HNW Market”

“Practice Management Techniques of Top Performers: Building Efficiencies into Your Practice”

“Delivering an Effective Value Proposition: What Top Performers are Saying to Their HNW Clients”

“Teams: Best Practices of Top Performing Teams Throughout the Industry”

“Infrastructure & Staffing: How to Source, Interview, Hire, Motivate & Retain Staff”

“Team Formation: How To Form A Team and Build a Successful Team Structure”